Ms. Scott's U. S. History

Mae Hensley Junior High School

U.S. History Unit 1 - A Changing World

This unit explores European claims in America, the 13 colonies, the Great Awakening, the American Revolution, Steps to Democracy and the Declaration of Independence. Scroll down to see Unit resources under the videos.

    Links to Units

  1. U.S. History Unit 1 - A Changing World
  2. U.S. History Unit 2 - Creating A Nation
  3. U.S. History Unit 3 - Launching the Republic
  4. U.S. History Unit 4 - The Young Republic
  5. U.S. History Unit 5 - Civil War and Reconstruction.
  6. U.S. History Unit 6 - Reshaping the Nation

You may watch the study videos in the gallery above or click on the links below to watch the video on YouTube.

Course Introduction

  1. Class Syllabus - English - PDF - WORD
  2. Class Syllabus - Spanish - PDF - WORD
  3. Know Your Text - PDF - WORD

U.S. History Unit 1 - A Changing World

  1. Textbook

  2. The American Journey (2006) - Chapter 1 and 2 - Pages 99-157

  3. Immigration

  4. PowerPoints
  5. Immigration Definitions and Context - PPT - PDF
  6. Immigration Match the Definition to a Situation - PPT - PDF
  7. Immigration Definition of Push-Pull Factors - PPT - PDF
  8. Immigration Push-Pull Factors Identified from Text - PPT - PDF

  9. Fact Sheets and Graphic Organizers
  10. Major Push Pull Factors of Immigration - WORD - PDF
  11. Major Push Pull Factors of Immigration - Spanish - WORD - PDF

  12. Original Immigration from Europe

  13. PowerPoints
  14. Original European Immigration to North America - PPT - PDF
  15. Original European Immigration to North America - Spanish - PPT - PDF
  16. European Claims - PPT - PDF

  17. Study Videos
  18. European Claims in America Study Video (YouTube)

  19. Fact Sheets and Graphic Organizers
  20. Original European Immigration to North America - EXCEL - WORD
  21. Original European Immigration to North America - Spanish - EXCEL - WORD
  22. Fact Sheet 1 - PDF - WORD

  23. Assignments, Activities and Projects
  24. European Claims in America - SoftChalk
  25. Columbian Exchange/Atlantic Slave Trade - SoftChalk

  26. 13 Colonies

  27. PowerPoints
  28. 13 Colonies - PPT - PDF
  29. 13 Colonies - Spanish - PPT - PDF
  30. English Settlements in North America - PPT - PDF
  31. English Settlements in North America - Spanish - PPT - PDF

  32. Study Videos
  33. 13 Colonies Stucy Video (YouTube)

  34. Fact Sheets and Graphic Organizers
  35. Fact Sheet 1 - PDF - WORD

  36. Assignments, Activities and Projects
  37. 13 Colonies Skills - WORD - PDF
  38. 13 Colonies Skills - Spanish - WORD - PDF
  39. 13 Colonies Map - PDF - WORD
  40. English Settlements in North America - WORD - PDF
  41. English Settlements in North America - Spanish - WORD - PDF
  42. Albany Plan of Union - PDF - WORD

  43. Study Games and Practice Quizzes
  44. Colonies, Revolution and Declaration Study Game

  45. Great Awakening

  46. PowerPoints
  47. Great Awakening PowerPoint - PPT - PDF

  48. Study Videos
  49. Great Awakening Study Video (YouTube)

  50. Fact Sheets and Graphic Organizers
  51. Fact Sheet 2 - PDF - WORD

  52. Conflict

  53. PowerPoints
  54. What is Conflict? - PPT - PDF
  55. What is Conflict - Spanish - PPT - PDF

  56. Assignments, Activities and Projects
  57. What is Conflict Questions - PDF - WORD
  58. What is Conflict Questions Spanish - PDF - WORD

  59. Causes of the American Revolution

  60. PowerPoints
  61. Causes of the War for Independence - PPT - PDF
  62. Causes of the War for Independence - Spanish - PPT - PDF
  63. Causes of the Revolution Comic Strip- PPT - PDF
  64. Causes of the Revolution Comic Strip - Spanish - PPT - PDF
  65. Causes of the American Revolution - PPT - PDF
  66. Important People PowerPoint - PPT - PDF

  67. Study Videos
  68. Causes of the American Revolution Study Video (YouTube)
  69. Important People of the American Revolution Study Video (YouTube)

  70. Fact Sheets and Graphic Organizers
  71. Fact Sheet 3 - PDF - WORD
  72. Fact Sheet 4 - PDF - WORD

  73. Assignments, Activities and Projects
  74. Causes of the Revolution Essay Assignment - PDF - WORD
  75. America Story of Us - Episode 1 - Rebels Questions - PDF - WORD
  76. America Story of Us - Episode 1 - Rebels Questions - Spanish - PDF - WORD
  77. Causes of the Revolution Comic Strip - PDF - WORD
  78. Causes of the Revolution Comic Strip - Spanish - PDF - WORD

  79. Steps to Democracy

  80. PowerPoints
  81. Democracy - PPT - PDF

  82. The Magna Carta, Why Do We Need Government - PPT - PDF
  83. The Mayflower Compact, House of Burgesses, English Bill of Rights - PPT - PDF

  84. Study Videos
  85. Steps to Democracy Study Video (YouTube)

  86. Fact Sheets and Graphic Organizers
  87. Fact Sheet 2 - PDF - WORD

  88. Assignments, Activities and Projects
  89. Magna Carta - PDF - WORD
  90. Magna Carta - Spanish - PDF - WORD
  91. Mayflower Compact - PDF - WORD
  92. Mayflower Compact - Spanish- PDF - WORD
  93. Why Do We Need a Government - PDF - WORD
  94. Why Do We need a Government - Spanish- PDF - WORD
  95. Steps to Self-Government - PDF - WORD
  96. Do We Need a Government Essay - PDF - WORD
  97. Do We Need a Government Essay - Spanish- PDF - WORD

  98. Declaration of Independence

  99. PowerPoints
  100. Purpose for Writing the Declaration of Independence 1- PPT - PDF
  101. Purpose for Writing the Declaration of Independence 1 - Spanish - PPT - PDF
  102. Purpose for Writing the Declaration of Independence 2- PPT - PDF
  103. Declaration PowerPoint - PPT - PDF

  104. Study Videos
  105. Declaration of Independence Study Video (YouTube)
  106. Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration (YouTube)

  107. Fact Sheets and Graphic Organizers
  108. Fact Sheet 5 - PDF - WORD

  109. Assignments, Activities and Projects
  110. Purpose for Writing the Declaration of Independence - PDF - WORD
  111. Understanding the Declaration of Independence - PDF - WORD
  112. The American Revolution

  113. PowerPoints
  114. Major Battles of the American Revolution PowerPoint - PPT - PDF

  115. Study Videos
  116. Major Battles of the American Revolution Study Video (YouTube)

  117. Fact Sheets and Graphic Organizers
  118. Fact Sheet 6 - PDF - WORD

  119. Assignments, Activities and Projects
  120. American Revolution Glog- PPT - PDF
  121. Purpose for Writing the Declaration of Independence 1 - WORD - PDF
  122. Purpose for Writing the Declaration of Independence 1 - Spanish - WORD - PDF
  123. Common Sense - PDF - WORD